Hot Ideas: A Grand Space For Larger Than Life Impacts

Select a section or our whole Grand Ballroom which is sure to befit your awe-inspiring event and keep your attendees wonder what is in store for the next one(s).

Ariyana Convention Centre is equipped with thought-out network infrastructure, smart lighting and power systems to support different set up styles, livestream or live-broadcast activities – your event needs are anticipated and your guests are impressed with max impacts.

Our Grand Ballroom’s 9-metre-tall ceiling without pillar obstruction allows for 300” HD projection screens and in-room drone filming, providing line of sight from all corners of the room. The pre-function foyer’s 11-metre-tall ceiling provides ample space for drone navigation, capturing aerial footage during guest welcome and networking moments.

Last but not least, let’s not forget our beautiful Ariyana Beachfront Garden – go plastic-free – use our signature ocean view as your event photo background.